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Air pollution,Dirty Cooking Fuels & Our Health

Indoor air pollution from inefficient cooking methods using firewood/charcoal cook stoves and traditional cooking methods causes cancer, pneumonia and other diseases that can effect the lungs of mostly women and children.

Traditional cooking methods can also cause skin burns and other injuries to women and children.

But what about malaria🤔
Mosquitoes causing malaria  can be increased in the home environment as a result of extreme heat from cooking ... yeah you heard me.

From the extreme heat when wood and charcoal are used for cooking, many pollutants are introduced into the air we breathe.

But why is wood for cooking dangerous?
This is it ... trees are "the lungs of the earth" and meant to keep us healthy. They purify the air by storing airborne pollutants, odors and pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxide, ammonia and sulfur dioxide in their barks. Toxins are absorbed through the tree's stomata ("skin pores). When trees are cut a lot of of these pollutants are released into the environment.

The worst part of it all is that burning the woods for cooking introduces these dangerous toxins stored in the wood directly into human lungs.

Air pollutants released from inefficient cooking using wood burning stoves and open fire cooking methods can be directly linked to increased cancer deaths; and increased green house gas emissions.

Thereby cooking with wood is directly affecting human lives and planet climate change. Also, the resultant effect of increased planet heat gives malaria carrying parasites the power to multiply.

Spread the word !!
When next you see someone trying to cut down trees for cooking fuel, stop them ... let them know that ERWAP energy kits  are cleaner (no smoke), cheaper and much better for them, their family and the planet


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