Mrs olatayo cooking at her house captured by our amateur photographer. W omen in Mrs Olatayo category are among the 85% of the Nigeria population without access to clean energy for cooking,for such women it is either they use traditional firewood cook stoves or buy expensive charcoal paired with kerosene for daily cooking,while this type of cooking is going on you can always see them with wet eyes as a result of the smoke,you would also always see them with burn skin,majority actually do not know that this type of cooking endangers their health beyond wet and burn skin,until they started having respiratory problems and some eventually die as a result of the overexposure to smokes from polluting cooking methods Inhaling smokes from cooking for 4.5 hours of exposure has been linked as equivalent to smoking 20 packs of cigarettes per day. Even me as a writer of this blog never knew that the open fire cooking methods practiced by our mother...
Blog built to keep memories of ERWAP community projects while enlightening people about climate change and its adaptation...our mission is to promote a climate resillient culture in Nigeria especially in the vulnerable/underserved areas of the country... Keep in touch with us on Instagram: @erwaproject